Codes of Conduct

Players' Code of Conduct

At CBJFC, we expect our players to behave in a way that makes us, and them, proud, both on and off the field. This includes showing:

  • Commitment - to training, to the spirit of the game, and to having fun.
  • Respect - to team members and opposition players, to coaching staff, to umpires, to club and league officials, and to Bears' property 

Players are asked to read the Player Expectations and sign the Player Agreement, to confirm that they have read the Code of Conduct. 

Player expectations

Player agreement


Parents' Code of Conduct

Parents and friends are also asked to behave respectfully at games and training sessions, and to be particularly aware of guidelines surrounding the treatment of umpires and other match officials. In addition to Player Expectations, CBJFC sets out Parent Expectations, including a parent Code of Conduct.

Parent expectations


The Play By The Rules Let Kids Be Kids campaign aims to stop poor sideline behaviour in junior sport. The behaviour of people on the sidelines of junior sport can have a profound impact on kids' participation and enjoyment of sport.We know you're there for the kids. So remember to be there for the kids. 


If there are any problems or queries regarding the behaviour of a player or parent, we recommend that the first and most appropriate point of contact is your Team Manager. 

For more information about issue resolution at CBJFC, refer to our Issue Resolution Policy & Guidelines on the Policies & Procedures page.